
오아~ 진짜 미국 사람 이다!

So someone needs to email me when I don't keep posting. I realize it's been forever since I last updated. And SO much stuff has happened since. I have quite a list of things to talk about.

I just got back from school. Er... shopping, too. And eating. And exploring Edae, I suppose. My friend, Emma, wanted to go look for yarn after class. I briefly considered the 25 degree weather, but thought I could rough it. As it turns out, 25 degrees is hella cold. But our adventure yielded no yarn, but rather the discovery of two bubble tea shops, boong-oh-bang (fish-shaped, red bean-filled bread), and, unfortunately, a dish I now know not to get.

There's a restaurant that DMC Ville Apartments kids tend to go to called Kimbap ChunGook ("Kimbap Heaven," AKA "Kimbap Forever Palace," as named by Jessica). I made it a mission not to eat the same 3 meals all year by taking a menu sheet and marking random dishes to get each time. Today, I picked one that ended in "tang," meaning some kind of soup. Little did I know, it was some kind of large intestine. Yummy. I ate half before I decided to call it quits.

Lately I've been busy with school and trips and meeting people. It's hard to squeeze in time to sit and compose meaningful blogs in spare time. I barely get time to myself at all. But I will try harder to write at least once a week, before memories become too distant to recall. If you notice some slacking, give me a slap on the wrist. Please. I'll sum up some recent notable mentions:

  • I'm applying for photography contests now. Hopefully I can get something published somewhere.
  • It's freezing outside. The next time water comes down, it should be frozen. Yay snow!
  • Tomorrow, I'm going star gazing to see the meteor shower. However this means sitting in the frozen air in the countryside somewhere. You can't be in Seoul and see stars, not unless a massive power outage happens.
  • No swine flu yet. But two girls next door got it. They were quarantined at the top of the boy's tower.
  • To clear things up: I don't live in a hut. I live on the 11th floor of an apartment in the DMC: digital media city. This means LED signs and modern art buildings. It's the most tech-savvy streets in Seoul, except for maybe Gangnam. But Seoul is very advanced. And crammed full of people. Out of the 50 million people in Korea, 23 million live in this city.

Everything else deserves a full post. So guys, here's my list of things to cover:
  • beer and chicken ajusshis
  • learning korean
  • awkward situations
  • korea: the land of juxtapositions
  • japan
  • transportation (bricks, cars, subs)
  • shopping addictions
Be prepared!

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