
Korea Part II

Alas, I have found myself back in Korea. Study abroad went so well that I decided to come back as a regular student at Korea University, from where I should graduate in 2012. I wish I had been blogging through that decision and process, cause it was a crazy one. Basically up until now (the first week of school) everything has been last minute and by chance, despite my best attempts at organization. It's the nature of the Korean-foreigner relationship (jumping through hoops).

I promised a lot of people that I would keep up a blog this time around. I did a horrible job at doing one during study abroad. Things have been busy. I wanted to post as soon as I got to Korea, but amidst the craziness of trying to find an apartment (we took midnight rides with my friend's cousin's realtor friend to find some), the financial loops of phones, cards, and rent, and the madness of last minute registration for classes has exhausted my time for making coherent stories in writing.

But these days I'm feeling really good. I got everything worked out and I feel like for the first time in months, I can at least predict the upcoming week (which will include the YonKo Jun festival. excitement doesn't describe my anticipation enough. glee?). This weekend is pretty relaxed. The last bits of household needs are coming in: the stuff I left with my friend from my old apartment, a table for my oneroom, and a few odds and ends like a ricecooker and pots and pans so I can cook my own meals now. I can't wait. haha.

I was talking to a friend of mine from the first semester of study abroad. We came to the conclusion that this time around in Korea, things are completely different for me. I think that the objective is so much clearer to me. Independence might be the right word. This isn't school housing, this isn't a program, and for once I really have to live on my own. As scary as that sounds, it's a very motivating idea. I have the space I need, certainly all the opportunities I could ask for, and all the time in the world to make things happen.

Cheers to a new school year!


  1. haha you enrolled Korea University?!! Congratulations! How`s your Chinese study going by the way!

  2. Yeah man, I'm back as a red shirt. =]
    Chinese... could use some help. I've forgotten so much!! [sadface]
